Friday, June 15, 2007

Making Rounds

Yesterday I spent the day making rounds to bookstores in the Ohio Valley. I gave the owners/managers a copy of Murder at Whalehead, a promotional flyer about the novel (quotes and reviews, book description), and a sheet detailing the terms of sale. All seemed very receptive. The manager at Waldens was not there, so I left a book and the info for him to look over.

A couple of the owners seemed very positive when I mentioned the terms: Retail price--$15.95; discount to stores--50%; payment isn't due until bookstore is ready to reorder; contact and reorder by email or phone; returns accepted. All said they look forward to looking it over and would get back to me next week.

With the deal I have at Lightning Source, I can get a thousand books for about $3.30-$3.50 a book depending on shipping costs. That makes my profit about $4.50 a book. By the way, Lightning Source already has Murder at Whalehead posted at Here's the link:

Next week I'm meeting with the president of Outer Banks Press to talk about distribution of the novel to the giftshops and bookstores on the Outer Banks and North Carolina. On Thursday the 21st of June I'll be signing books at Corolla's Island Bookstore. Things are starting to roll. I'll let you know what happens.

I'm still looking for a good Ohio distributor. If you know one, let me know.

Talk to you later,

Joe C. Ellis

Here are some links to my novel, Murder at Whalehead:
CLICK HERE to view video trailer
Link to front cover: CLICK HERE (Click on cover to enlarge)
Link to back cover: CLICK HERE (Click on cover to enlarge)
Link to first eleven chapters: CLICK HEREV
isit my website at

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