Sunday, December 30, 2007

The First Shall Be Last - Chapter One

1000-Yard Stare
(painting of a battle-fatigued Marine on the island of Peleliu)

The new year is about to begin, and I'm preparing for the release of my third novel in May of 2008: The First Shall Be Last. The story is a World War II mystery about a crime committed against a black soldier during the Battle of Peleliu. Peleliu was a small island in the Central Pacific held by Elite Japanese forces. The First Marine Division was ordered to take the island as a part of General Douglas MacArthur's island hopping campaign to return to the Philippines. I based this novel on my father's memoirs.

Between now and the end of April I plan on posting a chapter per week. You could be a great help to me by letting me know what you think of the story, catching mistakes, and making suggestions. Also, if you know of anyone who might be interested in reading this novel, please send them the link. I will use your comments and suggestions in the rewrite as I prepare the final draft.

After you read the chapter, please return to my blog and click on the comment link to give me your suggestions, corrections, etc. You can also email me at . To get to the first chapter, click on the link below:

Thanks for stopping by my blog in 2007. Hope you stick with me through 2008.

Talk to you later,

Joe C. Ellis
CLICK HERE to view video trailer for Murder at Whalehead
Link to front cover: CLICK HERE (Click on cover to enlarge)
Link to back cover: CLICK HERE (Click on cover to enlarge)
Link to first eleven chapters:CLICK HERE
Visit my website at

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Gift

Christmas Day will arrive in six days. I want to share a gift with you--the gift of two beautiful songs. The first one is relatively new and the second one has been around a while. Both have a similar theme--offering our gifts back to God and seeing them sanctified--lifted to a new level of beauty and meaning.

The first song, "The Gift", is sung by Aselin Debison, who recorded it when she was 12 years old back in 2002. The quality of her voice adds to the wonder and innocence of the song.

The second one is from the 1970s when Bing Crosby was still alive. He harmonized with David Bowie on The Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth. Again, the theme reflects the wonder of presenting our gifts to God, no matter how small they be.

As a writer, I often wonder if my work honors God. Does the Lord smile when I present the gift? Will God use it to bless others? I hope so. And I hope you enjoy these two songs.

Merry Christmas,

Joe C. Ellis

CLICK HERE to view video trailer for Murder at Whalehead
Link to front cover: CLICK HERE (Click on cover to enlarge)
Link to back cover: CLICK HERE (Click on cover to enlarge)
Link to first eleven chapters:CLICK HERE
Visit my website at

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Triumph Club

Hey everyone, we're coming to the end of 2007. Are you ready for the new year to begin? I'm looking forward to all the possibilities with my writing and all the other aspects of my life. To me, life is an adventure and privilege. It's always been my philosophy to try to become the best person I can be physically, mentally, and spiritually. Hopefully 2008 will be a year of striving to fulfill the potential the good Lord gave me.

That's why I wanted to let you know about a new Yahoo group I'm starting called the TRIUMPH CLUB. Do you want to lose weight, exercise regularly, kick bad habits, expand your mind, and become spiritually stronger? Do you want to see your life stabilized and focused on the right priorities? If so, then the Triumph Club is for you.

Physically, we will encourage one another to eat right, exercise, lose weight (if necessary), and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Mentally, we will read and recommend books (fiction and non-fiction) that will provide a wealth of knowledge and solid foundational principles for our lives. Spiritually, we will push one another to grow in the basic disciplines of faith--prayer, study, good works, etc.

If you would like to connect with an online group who shares these goals and encourages one another with insights, inspiration, and wisdom to make 2008 a year of personal growth, check us out at

alt="Click here to join The_Triumph_Club">
Click to join The_Triumph_Club

Or just go to, click on the Groups link and enter Triumph Club into the search box. The Club doesn't officially launch until 1/1/08, but between now and then you can sign up and become a part of this exciting journey of inner and outer transformation.

Talk to you later,

Joe C. Ellis

CLICK HERE to view video trailer for Murder at Whalehead
Link to front cover: CLICK HERE (Click on cover to enlarge)
Link to back cover: CLICK HERE (Click on cover to enlarge)
Link to first eleven chapters:CLICK HERE
Visit my website at