Sunday, September 30, 2007


The Buckeye Book Fair, Ohio's largest literary event, has posted its authors' information, pics, and floor plan layout for this year's event scheduled for November 3 at the Ohio State University Branch in Wooster, Ohio.

Here's the link to the authors' directory. It's in alphabetical order, so check for me under the "E"s.
You'll notice lots of great writers listed with a wide variety of books offered.

I'm excited about the possibility of meeting other Ohio writers, signing and selling my novels, and helping to raise funds for literacy in Ohio.

Being one of the biggest book fairs in the country, the Buckeye Book Fair welcomes thousands of people who purchase lots of books. I have no idea how many will sell.

Let's hope a bunch!

Talk to you later,

Joe C. Ellis
CLICK HERE to view video trailer for Murder at Whalehead
Link to front cover: CLICK HERE (Click on cover to enlarge)
Link to back cover: CLICK HERE (Click on cover to enlarge)
Link to first eleven chapters:CLICK HERE
Visit my website at

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